I will defend myself by stating that this post is NOT LATE. First of all, it's Friday the 13th today, so I figured this was a good day to post instead of the usual Tuesday. Because I'm scary. BAM.
I also wanted to give you even more time to get your stuff in. And only three more of you actually did it. Really, you guys? Really? You had like two months. FAIL. No more waiting. You lose.
For those that did manage to send me your music picks, you are all countless shades of awesome. Thank you for participating in this month's edition of Aural Sex. I can't pay you or anything, because my first paycheck hasn't come in yet and I'm surviving on tap water and soup, but um... YAY? Do you accept sweaty hugs? Or straddling?
Anyway, for May's Guest Minions Edition of Aural Sex, I recruited some of my friends to send me their favorite bands and most anticipated summer albums. I would have done it myself, but you all get more than enough of me every month, and besides, I'm equal parts busy and lazy.
So, uh, yeah. I'm out of funny today because I'm working fourteen hour days and barely even remembered to post this. So here you go. I highly recommend that you download all most of these.
PS- I totally wasn't kidding about the straddling. I don't have a lot going on.
Allison was my very first guest post so I'm psyched to have her at That Ain't Kosher. Despite being from Canada, her taste in music puts mine to shame. Fun fact about Allison and I (put the camera away, you disgusting pervs!)-
I wrote for her "iTunes Playlist Tuesday" last month when I sent her a Birthday Playlist. Keep on giving, yo.
1) Lungs, Florence + the Machine: Strong female voices are few and far between in the music biz, which is why when one comes along I get super excited. Florence Welch has some powerful pipes - but it's not just pop music, there's real heart and grit to her songs. I can listen to this album from start to finish and not skip a track.
2) Eureka, Mother Mother: This band from Vancouver, British Columbia (that's in Canada) features a male lead, two females who play keys and sing harmony vocals, a bassist and drummer. The music is fun and dancy - only with clever lyrics and interesting vocals. I loved their last album, O My Heart, so much much that I was worried about this one disappointing me - but it did not.
3) Collider, Sam Roberts: This album just came out, but I love it already. This is the Montreal artists' fourth full length album, and each one has had a slightly different sound. I'd say this record is his most rock & roll yet. The single, "I Feel You," is probably the most bluesy and gritty track he's ever released. I've seen Sam live several times, but I'd love to see tracks from this album live.
Thanks for inviting me to help with your music column Nugs!
Tits is one of my best bloggy friends ever. How much do I love this girl? Let's count the ways.
1) She sends me sexy texts about office supplies (yellow legal pads give me fetish dreams)
B) The Nip Clique recently pooled our 35 cent life savings together and sent her a birthday gift basket of chocolate and midgets. (Just kidding about the chocolate)
Meerkat) Have you seen her legs? She is so hot.
BONUS) Even though she likes Fallout Boy (I know.), I am still letting her post for me. Take a look:
Okay so like three
months weeks ago, Nugs asked me to give her the three Cd's I am most anticipating in the next couple months. And like the awful friend I am, i am just now getting it to her. Yeah, I blame that life thing i sometimes have some semblance of. Since
Nugs already covered the epic new Foo Fighters Album, i am going to leave it off my list even though my heart beats with death of a thousand suns for the Foo Fighters.
Vices and Virtues by Panic! at the Disco (March 22): Okay so technically I already own this album. I totes bought it the day it was released. Mock if you must (and most of you must) I love Panic almost as much as I loved Fall Out Boy (I'm still in mourning over the break-up). Even though they are now a duo instead of a quartet, it doesn't feel like anything is missing from the sound. Vices and Virtues is the perfect mix of A Fever You Can't Sweat Out and Pretty. Odd. It tends to fall back on the original Panic! sound but with some sweet notes from their foray into beatles-esque that was their second CD.
This Loud Morning by David Cook (June 28): So I totally admit I still watch American Idol, and I voted for David Cook. I was pretty much won over by him when he turned Lionel Richie's Hello into an Emo song. I'm excited to see what he's going to do for his sophomore Cd. He debuted the lead-off song The Last Goodbye on Idol a couple weeks ago, and it was hands down the best song sung on Idol in the last year. He has a talent and a musicality that current Idol contestants are just lacking.
Gravity Happens by Kate Voegele (May 24): Singer-Songwriter-Musician and current One Tree Hill cast member Voegele has been hard at work on her third CD. Voegele has a very current interesting sound similar to Sara Bareilles, with a little bit of a harder edge. Voegele plays both piano and guitar and she could certainly be the new face of Chick-Rock ala Alanis Morissette except with a less angry-lesbian vibe. I love her second Cd, A Fine Mess, and i'm sure i'm going to love this one too.
Bonus: Somewhere in the Stratosphere by Shinedown (May 3): Not really a CD of new music, Shinedown is releasing a 2 CD/ 2DVD set of music from live sets from both their acoustic and electric tours. I happen to love their last album, Sound of Madness, even though i was never really a Shinedown fan previously. So i'm excited to get a listen to this album, i expect the competing versions of stripped down to electric are going to cause me to have some sort of eargasam. I willing to place bets that i like the acoustic version a little bit better.
I don't know David that well, but he seems pretty cool. He also informed me that this is his first guest post, so essentially, I stole a dude's V-card. I wish it were the first time.
HAHAHA! No, seriously.
1. The Dears - Super amazing band out of Montreal, Canada. The lead singer (Murray Lightburn) has been called 'the black Morrissey'. That's about as good a description as any. Their lyrics are amazing, and the music is intense. Check this out, you will thank me.
2. Counting Crows - Call me a wuss if you must, but I LOVE Counting Crows. The first time I head them was many years ago. The song was Angels Of The Silences, and it was unlike anything else I'd heard in popular music at the time. I was singing along to it, even though I didn't even know the right words. No other band has done this for me since. If I could pick one band to create a concept album based on my life, Counting Crows would be it. Their songs somehow cut down to the emotional core of things better than any other band I know. If all you know of them is the hits like Mr. Jones and Long December, you're missing out on some even better stuff.
3. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - M.A.P.S. is just the beginning, people. It's music to dance/commit crimes/make love to. Pure, unfiltered awesome, straight to your eardrums. This is the kind of stuff I like to play if I want to get amped up before going out somewhere to party. Granted, I don't go out all that much, but the point stands. Plus, I think the singer (Karen O) is totally hot in an alternative kind of way.
Lily is my heterosexual wife. Whenever I think of her, this happens:
She lives in Chicago so I am definitely planning on visiting her. Soon. Eventually. For now I'll have to settle for
sharing a blog with her because I am BROKE.
BTW, she has a SUPER important job interview this week so you all should go over there and send her inappropriate vibes.
Hola, I’m Lily from Is it too early for a martini? And I volunteered to write for Aural Sex to ramble about my favorite bands. Not only because they’re so awesome, but because every time I talk about them people give my blank stares as if I had the energy to make up imaginary bands. So, thank you Nugs, for letting me bore your readers with the following:
Favorite Band 1: Brand New
This is a band I feel I grew up with. I started listening to them in high school when their first album Your Favorite Weapon came out. It was all angst-y emo stuff about friends fucking each other over. I thought it was an appropriate soundtrack to those eventful years. Then we both grew up a little more. In 2003, the high school sophomore me bought Deja Entendu. Still kind of angst-y, still kind of emo, but not as much. Then The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me came out. I copped it because I heard one song on TV, and was like “oh man! That’s by Brand New?!” As I was listening to it, I thought damn, it’s like Jesse Lachey was following me around this year … One day I was browsing around my favorite nerdy electronics store and saw their latest album Daisy. I bought it. But let me just say, according to my iTunes play count, I haven’t really heard any of it.
Fave Songs:
“Sic Transit Gloria … Glory Fades”
“The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot”
“Soco Amaretto Lime”
“You Won’t Know”
Favorite Band 2: The Pipettes
If you like awful music you’ll like these girls. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not BAD per se … it’s just horrible British Pop… or good British Pop… depending how you look at it. The first time I heard The Pipettes, I was in my friends’ dorm room. Procrastinating because I didn’t want to go finish my lab because I thought it was awkward that I had just boned my lab partner… and it wasn’t even that good. My friend was back from doing a study abroad in Austria, so she was very eager to introduce us to new things. She played this little song called “Pull Shapes”. This quickly became our anthem for pre-partying frat party pre-parties (basically we pre-partied the pre-party). What made me fall in love with them? They wear polka-dots. I love polka-dots. They also have little hand movement for their songs. There’s instructional videos for them on YouTube. I may or may not have spent 2 days learning them…
Fave Songs:
“Our Love Was Saved By Spacemen”
“Pull Shapes”
“One Night Stand”
“It Hurts To See You Dance So Well”
Favorite Band 3: The Click Five
Honestly, I don’t know how or why I started listening to them. All I remember was that it was my sophomore year in college, and I was hanging out in my dorm room listening to Pandora and then BAM! My ears were graced by catchy pop songs. They’re the first band I play when I’m sad and need to be cheered up, stat. Plus, they’re just really good to listen to when just having a really chill day.
Fave Songs:
“Time Machine” - which was used for a Disney Theme Parks or Universal Studios commercial.
“Just The Girl”
“Say Goodnight”
“Good Day”
Thanks, guys, for getting me your music picks. And also thanks to Tits for not mentioning Fallout Boy (much). I have no idea what I'm doing for June, when Aural Sex celebrates its first birthday (!), but I can promise that... well, I can promise I'll put a column up. That's all I got.